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application-prod.yaml 800 B

3 years ago
  1. sme:
  2. machine-id: 1
  3. file-local-path: /data/files/smart/
  4. file-host: http://auth.smtweb.cc
  5. file-url: ${sme.file-host}:${server.port}${server.servlet.context-path}/${sme.file-local-path}
  6. server:
  7. port: 10001
  8. servlet:
  9. context-path: /
  10. logging:
  11. level:
  12. smtweb: DEBUG
  13. spring:
  14. main:
  15. allow-bean-definition-overriding: true
  16. mvc:
  17. static-path-pattern: /static/**
  18. redis:
  19. host:
  20. port: 6379
  21. datasource:
  22. user:
  23. driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
  24. url: jdbc:mysql://
  25. username: smt
  26. password: smt_123456
  27. servlet:
  28. multipart:
  29. max-file-size: 104857600000
  30. max-request-size: 10485760000000